Tuesday, November 19, 2013



Psalm 39

For I am a stranger with You,
a sojourner, as all my fathers
were. -Psalm 39:12

I looked up the members of my seminary graduating class recently and discovered that many of my friends are now deceased.  It was a sober reminder of the brevity of life.  Three score and ten, give or take a few years, and we're gone (Psalm 90:10).  Israel's poet was right:  we're but strangers here and sojourners (39:12).

The brevity of life makes us think about our "end" - the measure of our days and how fleeting they are (v.4), a feeling that grows more certain as we draw closer to the end of our lives.  This world is not our home; we're but strangers and sojourners here.

Yet we are not alone on the journey.  We are strangers and sojourners with God (39:12), a thought that makes the journey less troubling, less frightening, less worrisome.  We pass through this world and into the next with a loving Father as our constant companion and guide.  We're strangers here on earth, but we are never alone on the journey (73:23-24).  We have One who says, "I am with you always" (Matthew 28:20).

We may lose sight of father, mother, spouse, and friends, but we always know that God is walking beside us.  An old saying puts it like this:  "Good company on the road makes the way to seem lighter."  David Roper

My times are in my Father's hand;
How could I wish or ask for more?
For He who has my pathway planned
Will guide me till my journey's o'er. - Fraser
As you travel life's weary road,
let Jesus lift your heavy load.

Some see a parallel between the content of Psalm 39 and Job 7.  In both cases, we find a righteous man pondering the shortness of life and the distress endured during that brief time.  The Bible is realistic in recording the ups and downs of human experience.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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