Friday, September 12, 2014



1 Samuel 17:32-37

The LORD…will deliver
me. -1 Samuel 17:37

The towering enemy strides into the Valley of Elah.  He stands 9 feet tall, and his coat of armor, made of many small bronze plates, glimmers in the sunlight.  The shaft of his spear is wrapped with cords so it can spin through the air and be thrown with greater distance and accuracy.  Goliath looks invincible.

But David knows better.  While Goliath may look like a giant and act like a giant, in contrast to the living God he is small.  David has a right view of God and therefore a right view of the circumstances.  He sees Goliath as one who is defying the armies of the living God (1 Samuel 17:26).  He confidently appears before Goliath in his shepherd’s clothes, armed with only his staff, five stones, and a sling.  His confidence is not in what he has but in who is with him (v. 45).

What “Goliath” are you facing right now?  It may be an impossible situation at work, a financial difficulty, or a broken relationship.  With God all things are small in comparison.  Nothing is too big for Him.  The words of the hymnwriter Charles Wesley remind us:  “Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, and looks to that alone; laughs at impossibilities, and cries it shall be done.”  God is able to deliver you if that’s His desire, and He may do so in ways you don’t expect. –Poh Fang Chia

Not to the strong is the battle,
Not to the swift is the race;
Yet to the true and the faithful
Victory is promised through grace. –Crosby

Don’t tell God how big your giants are.
Tell your giants how big your God is.

Davis was young at the time he faced Goliath, so his courage in confronting the giant is impressive.  His confidence was in God and was based on His actions in the past.  David considered the heroic actions of his shepherding days (17:34-35) as victories of the Lord (v.37).  His boldness was encouraged by the faithful strength of God.

Have a blessed day and weekend.
God Our Creator’s Love Always.
Unity & Peace

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