Wednesday, March 21, 2012


A Year Later

The time has come for us to end what they begun.
They gave a fierce blow but if we stay down then they've won.
So many lives lost without firin' a single gun.  With petty difference aside as a nation we must be one.

No red or yellow, no black or white.  No gay or straight, no more wrong or right.
No fear in our hearts cause with fear there's no fight.
No more hidin' in darkness, we must stand strong in the light.

A strategic attack; they loose 19, we loose 3000.
People afraid to leave their homes, even those in public housing.
In the projects I've seen battles everyday, but what's the point of counting; cause the losses in the hood is the force of a stone while 9-11 is the force of a mountain.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not sayin' I don't care.  I was born in the hood; my heart will always be there.  But to see so much pain, so many eyes with a tear.  So much confusion, men women children; so much debris, so much fear.

I tip my hat to the officers who firmly stood their ground.  My hat goes off for the firefighters who made sure they stuck around. 
My heart goes out to those that were lost, and my prayers go to those that were found.  Adaptation is the key for us to succeed; we can't fight if we keep our heads down.

J. WIGGINS AKA OFFICAL - Copyright 2009

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