Friday, March 16, 2012



Wake Up America For Destruction Is Coming.

When I was a child, I went to church a lot.  During one
of the services, we had a visiting missionary speak.  Her
theme/message was “Beware of the Yellowmen”. 

Back then her theme/message didn’t seem important but
now as an adult her theme is very important to me and it
should be to this country.

Open your eyes America and look at what is happening in
the world today.

In the Korean War we fought against China and North Korea.
In World War II we fought against Japan.  Japan bombed
Pearl Harbor, the U.S. bombed Hiroshima.  In the Vietnam War
we fought China and the North Vietnam.  Now who is
building up their army and weapons of mass destruction?

America is sleeping and not focusing on who they really should
be focusing on.  Retaliation is coming back on America.  We need
to “Beware of the Yellowmen”. 

Destruction is coming sooner than we think.  America needs to turn
back to God now before it is too late.

Trust in God.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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