Friday, March 16, 2012



As a fallen soldier was shipped home, his wife
had to have one last night sleeping next to her

She went into the funeral home and laid down
next to his casket and she spent her last night
next to her husband in his casket.

While laying there she remembered nothing but
the good times they had together.  If there were
any bad times they didn’t even come into her
thoughts.  She just wanted to remember all the
good they shared, nothing else mattered.

As she felt herself getting tired, she played some
of his favorite songs as though he could hear them
and then she fell asleep.

When she woke up she felt that she got the chance
to tell her love good-bye last night.  She felt a peace
in her heart like never before. 

She knows she will see him again in heaven, praising God.

Copyright 2006 by Florence Wiggins &

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