Friday, March 16, 2012



Dedicated To All Our Troops/Soldiers Overseas

R – Rockets shooting overhead to their targets.
E – Everybody is to always be alert/watchful.
M – Mines are hidden in the ground.  Be careful.
E – Each step is taken with caution.
M – Marines presence gives us support/strength.
B – Bombs above directly hit their targets.
E – Echo Company makes their move forward.
R – Recon has already surveyed the area.

T – Troops get in position to fight the enemy.
H – Heavy artillery is now being fired.
E – Enemy is seen in the foreground.

S – Shoot your weapons in that area.
A – Allow no survivors to go free.
C – Crush the enemy.  NOW!!!
R – Run them out of the area.
I – Into the hills they run and hide.
F – Fallen are many of their soldiers.
I – In our ranks there are causalities too.
C – Call upon God for deliverance of our troops.
E – Even our troops/soldiers have fallen.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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