Friday, September 7, 2018




The Gloom Index

At midnight Paul and Silas were praying and 
singing hymns to God.  Acts 16:25

Gray skies and blue moods-the two seem to go together.  In fact, some weather forecasters describe the amount of cloudy days a region can expect during its winter season as “the gloom index.”

Other factors might be figured into a gloom index.  Think for instance, of what Paul and Silas, those two first-century co workers for Christ, endured (Acts 16).  Any one of their troubles was enough to ruin the sunniest day.

Try to imagine the frustration of dealing with greedy profiteers who had turned a demon-possessed girl into a sideshow (v. 16-17). Think about the pain of confronting an angry mob and furious judges (v. 22), of receiving a whipping and imprisonment (v.23), and of having your feet locked in stocks (v.24).  How’s that for a gloomy atmosphere?

Paul and Silas were able though, to rise above their circumstances (v.25) because they were motivated by a desire to obey God and spread the message of Christ.

We too can rise above the gray skies of discouraging circumstances by relying on the Holy Spirit.  We can find encouragement and hope in God’s Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We can overcome the gloom index.       MD

God, give us wings to rise above
The clouds of trial that block the sun,
To soar above gray skies and see
The love and goodness of Your Son. -Sper

No day is dark when you live in the light of God’s Son.

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