Sunday, September 16, 2018




Frustrated or Content?

Read:  Ecclesiastes 2:17-26

I hated all my labor in which I had toiled
under the sun.  Ecclesiastes 2:18

King Solomon, who had studied diligently and worked hard for worthwhile earthly goals, realized that at his death his fortune would go to people who had not worked for it and might misuse it.  This caused him to become resentful because of all the “sorrowful” days and sleepless nights (2:23) he had invested.  He’s not alone in feeling this way.

A highly successful lawyer told me he often wonders why he works so hard.  He said his sons and daughters had been misusing his money and making a mess of their lives.  He knows they will probably waste everything he leaves them.  Another man who had worked hard and managed his money well said sadly, “All my hard work!  And my kids can hardly wait for me to die.”

Solomon, however, did not remain in this dejected state.  He found meaning and satisfaction through faith in God.  He said that inner contentment is a gift of God to His children.  This enables them to enjoy the fruit of their labor (v.24).  God replaces frustration with contentment!

The more room we give to God in our lives, the more we will have “wisdom and knowledge and joy” (v.26).  Paul summed it up this way:  “Godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6).  HVL

O Lord, help us to be content
With all that we possess;
And may we show our gratitude
With heartfelt thankfulness. -Sper

Contentment is the soil in which true joy thrives.

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