Sunday, September 2, 2018




Fleeting Success

Read:  Ecclesiastes 4:13-16

Set your mind on things above, not on things
on the earth.  Colossians 3:2

Having many friends and being rich are great blessings, but popularity and success do not guarantee a happy life.  To make this point, Solomon called attention to an elderly king who ignored the wishes of his subjects and was replaced.  His young successor was popular at first, but he also fell into disfavor.  Solomon concluded, “Surely this also is vanity and grasping for the wind” (Ecclesiastes 4:16).

Life at the top is fleeting.  Presidents and prime ministers may have extremely high approval ratings for a while, but they don’t last.  About twenty years ago I knew several top executives who were highly successful because of their winning personalities and outstanding abilities.  Yet they lost their high-salaried positions because they could not keep up with the rapid changes their jobs demanded.  Today, because of company mergers and corporate downsizing, many of their replacements have also lost their positions.

How we view popularity and success depends on what we value most.  If we set our hearts on earthly things we will eventually be disappointed.  But if we set our hearts on Christ and live for Him, we will find that He is faithful to provide for our every need.  Many have made this discovery.  Have you?        HVL

The master key to success is knowing the Master.

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