Friday, September 28, 2018




Persistent Prayer

Read:  Luke 18:1-8

Men always ought to pray and
not lose heart.  Luke 18:1

A friend of mine has been a woman of prayer for many years.  She has received countless answers from God, but sometimes she is disheartened because certain prayers for love ones remain unanswered.  Yet she keeps on praying, encouraged by the parable in Luke 18.  This story features a widow who badgered a heartless judge for help and finally got it.

Jesus ended His parable with a question:  If an unrighteous and disrespectful judge finally answers a pestering widow’s pleas for help, shall not God answer His own children who cry to Him day and night?  (vv.7-8).  The expected answer:  “Of course He will!”

George Muller (1805-1898), pastor and orphanage director, was known for his faith and persistent prayer.  Whenever he prayed for specific needs for his orphanage, God sent exactly what was required.  Yet for more than forty years he also prayed for the conversion of a friend and his friend’s son.  When Muller died, these men were still unconverted.  God answered those prayers, however, in His own time.  The friend was converted while attending Muller’s funeral, and the son a week later!

Do you have a special burden or request?  Keep on praying!  Trust your loving heavenly Father to answer according to His wisdom and timing.  God honors persistent prayer!       JY

Don’t think that you are finished, 
Just trust God’s love and care;
Delays are not denials;
Persist in faith and prayer. -Jarvis

Failure to pray is the time line of least persistence.

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