Friday, September 7, 2018




Guided Tour

Read:  Genesis 24:10-27

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He
shall direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:6

Former college basketball coach Don Callan decided to venture off on his own in Nepal-but he found he wasn’t really alone.

Don and a missions leader were in Nepal to look for ways to assist the people of that land.  While his colleague took care of some business in Katmandu, Don flew to Pokhara to investigate that beautiful city in the heart of Nepal.  He was praying for God’s guidance as he went.

Don had been given the name of a man in Pokhara who could serve as a guide, but no one knew he would be visiting there.  Not knowing the city, he randomly chose a hotel and took a taxi from the airport to its location.  When he arrived, he walked into the hotel lobby feeling unsure of himself.  He didn’t know anyone and couldn’t speak the language.  A group of men were standing at the front desk, so Don ventured over to them and said, “I’m looking for Jeevan.”  What a surprise when one of the men said, “I’m Jeevan.”  Obviously, God had directed Don’s path.

We do not always see God’s guidance so clearly, but this story reassures us that He does direct our lives.  He led Isaac to Rebekah (Genesis 24), and He leads us as well.  As we walk by faith on our earthly journey, we can trust God because He is our guide.    DB

I may not see the path ahead,
Or find my way with ease,
But Jesus leads me by the hand-
He knows the way, He sees. -Adams

God does not ask you to go where He does not lead.

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