Sunday, September 23, 2018




An Untroubled Heart

Read:  John 13:31-14:1

Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God,
believe also in Me.  John 14:1

Noted British preacher J. H. Jowett believed that inner peace comes not from tranquil circumstances but from an untroubled heart.  He said: “If we were to hear one hundred people repeating the sentence, ‘Let not your heart be trouble,’ we should find that ninety-nine of them put the emphasis upon the word troubled…I feel led to believe that the purposed emphasis is on the word heart…The heart is to be clothed in serene regality even when hell is knocking and rioting at its very gates.”

Jowett’s perceptive words cause me to wonder if I’m spending more energy trying to avoid difficulties than on letting them help me get to know Christ better.  If so, I’m headed for nothing but frustration and failure.  

Jesus told His disciples, “Let not your heart be trouble” (John 14:1).  This was to prepare them for the dark day of His crucifixion.  He knew they could weather the storm only by trusting Him in spite of the apparent triumph of evil.

Today, we can focus on the trouble in the world and in our lives or we can focus on the victory we have in Christ because His death was followed by His resurrection.  This wonderful fact gives new meaning to His words, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (16:33).  DCM

A troubled heart, a wearied mind
Are burdens hard to bear;
A lack of peace, a heavy load
Are lifted by God’s care. -Fitzhugh

When we keep our mind on God, God gives us peace of mind.

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