Friday, September 7, 2018




Mailbox Faith

Read:  Hebrews 11:1-6

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

Whenever I mail a letter, it’s an exercise of trust.  Let me explain what I mean.  When I write to a distant friend, it’s impossible to deliver the letter myself.  I need the help of the postal service.  But for them to do their part, I have to drop my letter in the mailbox first.  I can’t hang on to it.  I have to place it in the mail slot and let go.  Then I must trust the postal service to take over until my letter is delivered to my friend’s home.  Although I can’t see what happens to it, my faith in the postal service assures me that my letter is as good as there!

Likewise, whenever we’re faced with a problem, our faith is challenged.  Knowing that it’s impossible to resolve the difficulty ourselves, we recognize our need of God’s help.  First, though, we must go to Him in prayer.  Until that moment, we’re still holding on to our problem.  We know the situation won’t get resolved until we let go and commit it into God’s hands.  Once we let go, we then must trust God to take over until the problem is resolved in His way.  Although we can’t see what He’s doing, our faith is “the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1), the assurance that His work is as good as done!

Have you exercised trust in Him today?    JY

Help us, Lord, to give our burdens
To Your tender, loving care;
Grant us faith to trust You fully,
Knowing that each one You bear. -DJD

Trusting God turns problems into opportunities.

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