Tuesday, May 19, 2020



MAY 19


Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before
which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
John Quincy Adams

Some days nothing  goes as you planned.  An appointment gets canceled at the last minute, the car suddenly springs an oil leak, the kids can’t seem to get along and you’re wondering if you should just go back to bed and start all over again.

In a way, you should.  When the pressures of the day start mounting and the obstacles get higher and you’re tired of running through the maze because you can’t quite find your way out, then stop!

Imagine you’re spending this lovely May day simply sitting by a little quiet stream, feeling the gentle breeze, and calmly getting grounded.  As you do that, invite Jesus to come and sit with you in your serene space and share a few moments with you.  Tell Him how your day has been up to now, and ask if He might help you patiently move forward.

You may notice things changing before you open your eyes.  Prayer is a powerful thing.

In my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help.
He heard me from His sanctuary, my cry to Him reached His ears.
Psalm 18:6 NLT

Lord, help me to quiet myself when I get stressed and spend a few
moments with You.

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