Friday, April 27, 2018


Unfamiliar Roads
Read:  Psalm 119:105-112
Teach me Your way, O Lord, and lead me
in a smooth path.  Psalm 27:11
Trouble often lies ahead when we go down unfamiliar roads.  
I know a teenager who decided to take a different way to work one morning.  As he tried to navigate unfamiliar city streets, he went through an intersection without seeing the red octagonal sign that said “Stop.”
Within a few seconds, he did stop, but not for a stop sign.  He was pulled over by a helpful gentleman in a police car who reminded him that he should have stopped.  It cost him eighty dollars to learn about unfamiliar roads.
What would have happened if a guide had accompanied this young driver?  What if someone had been next to him to tell him which way to go and to alert him to danger ahead?  He wouldn’t be out the eighty dollars, that’s for sure.
In life, we often have to walk down unfamiliar paths-paths that may feel threatening.  So how do we do that without making costly mistakes?
We take Someone along who knows the way.   The psalmist recognized that Guide when he wrote, “Lead me,, O Lord, in Your righteousness…make Your way straight before my face” (Psalm 5:8).
Does your path today seem unfamiliar?  Ask your Father to travel the road with you.                                                                                  DB
Take Jesus with you as your faithful guide,
You cannot fail when He is at your side;
You may encounter trouble on life’s road,
But He will help to lift your heavy load. -Hess
The Spirit within us will faithfully guide us.

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