Sunday, April 8, 2018




Loss and Gain
Read:  Luke 24:13-35

Their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He
vanished from their sight.  Luke 24:31

A Texas high school football team began the 2002 season with a 57-game winning streak and hopes for an unprecedented fifth consecutive state championship.  In spite of losing their longtime coach and competing against larger schools, the Celina Bobcats remained undefeated through the regular season.  But then they lost a quarterfinal playoff game by one point.  It felt like the end of the world-even though they had won 68 straight games and five state championships in seven years.

When our dreams are shattered and our hearts are broken, we may feel that all has been lost and nothing has been gained.  It takes the touch of God to open our eyes to the greater glory of His plan.

When the crucified and risen Christ joined two disciples on the road to Emmaus, they were grieving over His death.  “We were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel” (Luke 24:21), they told Jesus, whom they did’t recognize.  But Jesus said, “Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” (v.16).  Later they realized they had been talking with Jesus.  He was alive!

 In our time of loss, the risen Lord comes to us with comfort and peace, revealing His glory and the eternal gain that is ours because of His cross.                                         DCM

When circumstances overwhelm
And seem too much to bear,
Depend upon the Lord for strength
And trust His tender care. -Sper

Present pains can lead to permanent gains.

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