Sunday, April 1, 2018


Learning to Rest
Read:  Matthew 11:25-30
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,… and you
will find rest for your souls.  Matthew 11:29
Many Christians are anxious and troubled.  Although they are experiencing the “rest” of salvation that accompanies the forgiveness of sins and are looking forward to the eternal “rest” of heaven, their souls are still in turmoil. Fearful and doubting, they seem to be continually burdened by life’s problems.  
A closer look at their anxiety can reveal the reason for their distress.  Having never learned to rest in the Lord, they fail to experience the “quietness and confidence” (Isaiah 30:15) that comes to those who daily fellowship with Him through Bible study and prayer.
An unknown author has penned a verse describing the problem:
We mutter and sputter, we fume and we spurt;
We mumble and grumble, our feelings get hurt;
We can’t understand thing, our vision grows dim,
When all that we need is communion with Him!
Don’t let yourself become a victim of fruitless fretting.  If you do, you’ll lose the peace and joy that is your rightful heritage.  Instead, set aside a part of each day to talk with God, thanking Him for who He is an what He has done for you.  Then, by reading His Word and believing His comforting promises, your faith will grow stronger and a supernatural peace will flood your soul.
Jesus said, “Come to Me…and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Have you learned to rest in Him?                                      HGB
When we put our problems in God’s hands,

He puts His peace in our hearts.

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