Friday, April 27, 2018



Ground Squirrels
Read:  Romans 8:27-39

I was at ease, but He has shattered me.
Job 16:12

Ground squirrels hibernate near our home during the winter, and they reappear when the snow melts in the spring.  My wife Carolyn and I enjoy watching them scurry back and forth from one hole to another, while others stand like tiny sentries watching for predators.

In mid-May, a man from a nearby golf course arrives on a little green tractor with a tank loaded with lethal gas.  The groundskeeper tells us that these little critters have to be eliminated because they dig holes in the fairways.  Some survive, but  most do not.  It always makes us a little sad to see the tractor arrive.

If I could, I’d chase the little animals away.  I’d destroy their holes and force them to settle some place else.  I’m sure they would resent my interference, but my actions would be solely for their good.

So it is with God.  He may break up our comfortable nests now and them, but behind every difficult change lies His love and eternal purpose.  He is not cruel or capricious; He is working for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).  He wants us to be “conformed to the image of His Son” (v.29) and to give us glorious enjoyment in heaven forever.  How then can we fear change when it comes from someone whose love for us never changes? (vv. 38-39).  DHR

What tenderness the Father shows
To sinners in their pain!
He grants to them His strength to bear
The hurt that brings them gain. -DJD

God’s love can seem harsh until we view it with hindsight.

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