Tuesday, April 24, 2018



Read:  2 Timothy 1:6-12

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love
and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

The silence awakened me at 5:30 one morning.  There was no gentle whir of fan blades, no reassuring hum from the refrigerator downstairs.  A glance out the window confirmed that a power outage had left everyone in our neighborhood without electricity just as they would be preparing for work.

I realized that alarm clocks would not sound, and there would be no TV news.  Coffee makers, toasters, hair dryers, and many telephones would be useless.  Beginning a day without power was simply an inconvenience and a disruption of routine-but it felt like a disaster.

Then I thought of how often I rush into the day without spiritual power.  I spend more time reading the newspaper than the Bible.  Talk radio replaces listening to the Spirit.  I react to difficult people and circumstances in a spirit of fear rather than the spirit of “power and of love and of a sound mind” that God has given us (2 Timothy 1:7).  I must appear as spiritually unkempt as a person who dressed and groomed in the dark.

Our power outage was short-lived, but the lesson remains of my need to begin each day by seeking the Lord.  His strength is not for my success or well-being, but so that I will glorify Christ by living in His power. DCM

There’s never a lack of God’s power
In prayer and reading His Word,
For Jesus in heaven is listening-
Your prayer will always be heard. -Hess

The human spirit fails us unless the Holy Spirit fills us.

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