Friday, April 13, 2018



Unexpected Alligators
Read:  Matthew 13:18-23

When tribulation or persecution arises because of the word,
immediately he stumbles.  Matthew 13:21

A friend of actress and comedienne Gracie Allen once sent a small, live alligator to her as a gag.  Not knowing what to do with it, Gracie put it in the bathtub and then left for an appointment.  When she returned home, she found a note from her maid.  “Dear Miss Allen:  Sorry, but I have quit.  I don’t work in houses where there is an alligator.  I would have told you this when I started, but I never thought it would come up.”

Some people who say they’ll serve Christ are quick to leave when trouble comes.  In Jesus’s parable of the soils, He pictured the various responses that people have to the gospel.  For example, a person may seem to accept God’s truth, but he stumbles in his faith when difficulties arise (Matthew 13:20-21).  Such troubles test the sincerity of one’s faith and exposes the weakness of one’s commitment to Christ.

But someone may say, “Shouldn’t our Lord tell us up front what is involved in following Him?” He does.  He appeals to us with one invitation:  “Trust Me.” If we let trouble or disillusionment share our faith, we are breaking the spirit of the trust that brought us to Christ in the first place.

“Father, when life brings us the unexpected and we feel like quitting, help us to be faithful to You.”                       MD

Day by day and with each passing moment,
Strength I find to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
I’ve no cause for worry or for fear. -Berg

Tough times can teach us to trust.

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