Friday, April 27, 2018


Nothing Hidden
Read:  1 Timothy 5:24-25
Some men’s sins are clearly evident….Likewise,
the good works of some…and those that are otherwise
cannot be hidden. 1 Timothy 5:24-25
A woman had been maligned and misrepresented by an envious coworker.  She was frustrated because her attempts to confront the coworker in private had only made matters worse.  So she decided to swallow her pride and let the matter go.  She said, “I’m glad the Lord knows the true situation.”  She expressed a profound truth that both warns and comforts.
Paul pointed out that nothing can be concealed forever (1 Timothy 5:24-25).  This serves as a solemn warning.  For example, a news report told about a highly respected person who was arrested for crimes he had been secretly committing for years.
Yet the fact that nothing can be hidden can also be a great consolation.  I have known people who never held a position of honor, nor were they recognized for their service.  After they died, however, I learned that in their own quiet way they had touched many lives with their kind words and helpful deeds.  Their good works could not remain hidden.
We can hide nothing from God-that’s s solemn warning!  But it’s also a great comfort, for our heavenly Father knows about every encouraging smile, every kind word, and every loving deed done in Jesus’s name.  And someday He will reward us.                         HVL

Neither vice nor virtue can remain a secret forever.

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