Friday, May 16, 2014



Proverbs 15:16-23

Without counsel, plans go
awry, but in the multitude
of counselors they are
established. _Proverbs 15:22

The fifteenth-century theologian Thomas a Kempis said, “Who is so wise as to have perfect knowledge of all things?  Therefore, trust not too much to your own opinion, but be ready also to hear the opinions of others.  Though your own opinion be good, yet if for the love of God you forego it and follow that of another, you shall the more profit thereby.”  Thomas recognized the importance of seeking the opinions of trusted advisors when making plans for life.

In order to determine God’s course for life, the wise person should open up to several avenues of counsel, through which God will bring His guiding wisdom.  When a person seeks the wise counsel of others, he shows his realization that he might be overlooking some important factors in his decisions.

Solomon, the wisest man in Israel, wrote about how important it is to have counsel from others:  “Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established” (Proverbs 15:22).

The Lord is the Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6), and He desires to protect us through wise advisors.  Seek them out and thank God for them.  Let them help you discover a clearer picture of His plan for your life. –Marvin Williams

Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,
Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God is He;
Saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,
Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His name! –Lillenas
If you seek wise counsel, you multiply your chances
for sound decisions.

Proverbs 15:22 instructs us on the importance of seeking wise counsel.  Many of the people in Scripture sought out counsel from wise and trusted advisors.  Moses asked advice from his father-in-law Jethro about how to lead and judge Israel (Exodus 18:13-24).  Ahithophel was so wise that it was said that his advice “was as if one had inquired at the oracle of God” (2 Samuel 16:23).  But the greatest counsel we can seek is from God Himself.  James tells us that if we lack wisdom, we can ask of God and He will give it to us because He “gives to all liberally and without reproach” (James 1:5).

Have a blessed day and weekend.
God Our Creator’s Love Always
Unity & Peace

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