Tuesday, August 28, 2012



Psalm 100

Serve the LORD with
gladness. -Psalm 100:2

Nine years ago today a good friend went out for a lunchtime jog and never came back.  Kurt De Haan, who was the managing editor of Our Daily Bread, died of a heart attack on that sunny Thursday.  Some of us who worked with Kurt still keep mementos of him in our offices.

For instances, on one wall of my cubicle, I display the last memo I received from Kurt.  It reminds me of his thoroughness as an editor-striving to represent God's Word accurately and well.  Another co-worker displays the last paper wad Kurt threw in her direction, reminding her of his eagerness to enjoy life.

Each time we talk about Kurt and how much we miss him, we discuss his combination of a quest for excellence mixed with an enjoyable personality.  He worked hard and loved life.  He strove to teach God's Word with integrity while living his life with joy.

Remembering Kurt and his example is refreshing and challenging.  It reminds us that others are watching us and can tell if we're serving "the LORD with gladness" (Psalm 100:2), and if our love for Jesus is coming through in our good works (Ephesians 2:10).  Serve well.  Serve with joy.  Does that describe our work for the Savior? - Dave Branon

Help me, dear Jesus, to live out the joy
and peace You've given to me.  May those who work
with and know me see that joy.  And may I always
stand for truth and righteousness.
For joy that will last, always put Christ first.

The description "A Psalm of Thanksgiving" indicates that this psalm was likely used in public worship at the temple.  The psalmist extolled God as the almighty Creator, sovereign King, and caring Shepherd.  Three times he reminds us that we are God's precious possessions:  "It is He who has made us...;we are His people and the sheep of His pasture" (v.3).  The psalmist emphatically proclaimed that the Lord is eternally good, loving, and faithful (v.5); and called us to praise Him joyfully (v.1), serve Him gladly (v.2), and thank Him gratefully (v.4).  True worship begins with a humble recognition of who God is and grateful thanksgiving for what He has done.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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