Saturday, August 25, 2018


The Day the Sun Didn’t Shine
Read:  Psalm 103
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not
all His benefits.  Psalm 103:2
We often take God’s blessings for granted until they are taken from us.  Then we recognize how important even the most common gifts of God really are.
There’s a legend about a day the sun didn’t rise.  At six in the morning it was dark.  At seven it was still night.  Noon came and it was like midnight.  By four in the afternoon, people flocked to the churches to beg God for the sun.
The next morning, huge crowds gathered outdoors to face the eastern sky.  When the first rays of sunlight pushed open the door of the morning, the people burst into cheers and praised God for the sun.
The psalmist knew he couldn’t possibly remember all of God’s benefits to him.  He was distressed that he might forget them all, so he took his sluggish soul in hand, shook it, and urged it to consider at least some of the good gifts God gave to him.
Because God’s goodness is as constant as the sun, we are in danger of forgetting what He showers on us each day.  If we count our blessings one by one, we’ll never get finished.  But if we jot down a list of the or twenty gifts God gives us each day, something will happen to our hearts.
Let’s try it and find out for ourselves.      HWR

If you want to be rich, count all the things you have that money can’t buy.

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