Friday, August 10, 2018




The Answer Is No

Read:  2 Samuel 12:13-23

David arose from the ground,…and he went into the house
of the Lord and worshiped.  2 Samuel 12:20

Children are so lovable and innocent-until  their parents say no to their demands.  When that happens, some kids scream uncontrollably, insisting on what they want.

When our children were little, my wife and I thought it was important for them to learn to accept no for an answer.  We felt this would help them to handle the disappointments of life more effectively.  We prayed that it would also help them submit to God’s will.

Today’s Bible reading records King David’s admission of guilt when confronted by Nathan.  David was forgiven, but God let the consequence of his sin fall on the baby conceived out of wedlock.  David fasted and prayed to the Lord day and night for his son’s healing.  In spite of his sincere petitions, the baby died.

Instead of behaving like a demanding child and being angry with God, David got up, washed, changed his clothes, “went into the house of the Lord and worshiped” (2 Samuel 12:20).  His actions teach us an important lesson:  Sometimes we must accept no from God as the answer to our pleas.

In times of difficulty or loss, we should seek God’s help and deliverance.  But we must still trust Him if He does not answer our prayers the way we want Him to.

Have we learned to take no for an answer?          AL

Our weakness is a blessing when we lean on God’s strength.

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