Saturday, July 14, 2018


You Are Not Forgotten
Read:  Hebrews 11:24-40
God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love
which you have showed toward His name, in that you
have ministered to the saints.  Hebrews 6:10
When Britain’s oldest man turned 111, vintage aircraft did a flyover, and the Band of the Royal Marines played “Happy Birthday.”  According to the Daily Mirror, Henry Allingham was amazed by all of the attention.  Until six years earlier, he had for eighty-six years kept secret the horrific memories of what happened in the trenches of World War I.  Only when tracked down by the World War I Veteran’s Association did this old man, who had been shelled, bombed, and shot, receive honor for what he had endured on behalf of his country.
The story of the Bible gives us parallels to Henry’s story.  The Scriptures show that those who fight the battles of God often end up wounded, imprisoned, and even killed as a result of their service.
The cynic might observe such lives and conclude with a sigh that no good deed goes unpunished.  But the author of Hebrews sees a bigger picture.  He reminds us that everything and anything we have done in faith and love will one day be honored by God (6:10).
Are you discouraged today?  Do you feel insignificant?  Do you feel forgotten after trying to serve God?  Be assured that God will not forget anything you have done in your service to Him or others.     MD
Does the place you’re called to labor
Seem so small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He’ll not forget His own. -Suffield
God remembers the good we forget.

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