Saturday, July 14, 2018


Deep Water
Read:  Psalm 69:13-18
Let not the floodwater overflow me, nor let the
deep swallow me up.  Psalm 69:15
The builders of sport utility vehicles (SUVs) like to show us their products in mind-boggling situations.  High on a mountain crag, where no truck could seemingly go.  Or in a swamp so impassable you’d need a hovercraft to negotiate it.  We’re supposed to think that SUVs are invincible.
That’s why I found unintended humor in the disclaimer in a recent ad for a four-wheel-drive SUV.  A photo showed the vehicle up to its headlights in water as it forged across a foreboding river.  The disclaimer said:  “Traversing deep water can cause damage, which voids the vehicle warranty.”
Deep water is a problem not only for cars but also for us.  As we travel the roadways of life, we often find ourselves surrounded with oceans of grief or crashing waves of broken relationships.  We need help.
The writers of the Psalms told of that needed assistance.  They said God is “a refuge in times of trouble” (9:9), and that “in the time of trouble He shall…set me high upon a rock” (27:5) No disclaimers here.  Traversing deep water won’t affect our spiritual warranty.  God will always be there to guarantee His support.
Are you in deep water?  Reach up and grab God’s hand of mercy.     DB
When you’re passing through the waters
Of deep sorrow and despair
And you get no help from others,
Just remember, Christ is there. - Elliott
When trouble overtakes you let God take over.

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