Friday, June 15, 2018


Not Fair
Read:  Psalm 19:7-14
He is the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His
ways are justice.  Deuteronomy 32:4
When I was coaching high school freshman girls’ basketball in the fall of 2005, I was surprised at how many times I heard, “That’s not fair!”
The girls’ motivation seemed to depend on whether or not they thought what I asked them to do was fair.  If I asked some girls to do a defensive drill while others shot free throws, I heard, “Not fair.”  If I allowed one group to play offense longer than another group, I heard, “Not fair.”
So many situations in life shot, “Not fair!”  I observe Christian couples who struggle to have babies while others are blessed with children and then abuse them.  I look at families whose children are all alive and well, while I go through life without one of mine.  I see friends who long to serve God but can’t because of health issues.
It’s then that I must go back to a basic truth.  We are not the arbiters of fairness.  God is, and He knows far more than we do about His plans and purposes.  The question isn’t about fairness.  In the end, it’s about trust in a faithful God who knows what He is doing.  “He is the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice” (Deuteronomy 32:4).
Life will never look fair.  But when we trust God, we always know that He is faithful.                                                                            DB
If you feel that blessings pass you by,
And for you life seems a bit unfair,
Just remember, Christ was born to die,
And in His great salvation you can share. -Hess

Life is not aways fair, but God is always faithful.

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