Saturday, June 30, 2018


An Age-Old Question
Read:  Job 2:1-10
Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall
we not accept adversity?  Job 2:10
When Jeremy was seventeen, he struggled with a question that theologians have wrestled with for centuries.  For him the problem was not theoretical but practical.  He was trying to understand why his mother had to have brain surgery.  He asked, “Why do good people suffer, Mom?”
She told him, “Suffering is part of living in a sin-cursed world, and good people suffer like anybody else.  That’s why I’m glad we have Jesus.  If I die, I’ll go to a better place, and I’ll long for the day when I can see you again.”  She then said that she could understand his frustration, but she told him not to put the blame on God.
If you and I are baffled by the suffering of good people, we can put the question squarely before God, argue with Him if we must, and struggle with our doubts.  But let’s not blame Him.
God didn’t explain to Job what He was doing but said that He could be trusted to do what is right (Job 38-42).  And He has assured us in His Word that Jesus suffered on our behalf, rose from the dead, and is now preparing a suffering-free place for us.
These may not be the answers we want, but they are the answers we need to help us live with that age-old and often unanswerable quest of suffering.                                   DJD
Why must I bear this pain?  I cannot tell;
I only know my Lord does all things well.
And so I trust in God, my all in all,
For He will bring me through, whate're befall. -Smith
God is not obligated to give us answers,
but He promises us His grace.

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