Friday, May 4, 2018



Read:  Titus 2:11-15

Our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait
for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Philippians 3:20

In the 1940’s, Samuel Beckett wrote a play called Waiting for Godot, which is now regarded as a classic.  Two men stand on an empty stage, hands in their pockets, staring at each other.  There is no action, no plot, they just stand there waiting for Godot to come.

But who is Godot? Is he a person? Does he represent God? Christian ethicist Lewis Smedes suggests, ,Godot “Stands for the pipe dreams that a lot of people hang on to as an escape.” As the play ends, those men are still standing on the stage, just waiting.

When the fiftieth anniversary of that play was celebrated, someone asked Beckett, “Now will you tell us who Godot is?”  He answered, “How should I know?”

Waiting for Godot is a parable of many people’s lives-empty and meaningless, a pointless matter of waiting.  And if there’s no God of love, grace, and wisdom, then life really is a hopeless waiting for empty time to pass.

How totally different, though, is Christian hope!  We’re waiting and “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).  That hope sustains us-a hope that beyond this world lies a life of indescribable blessing.        VCG

We’re waiting for You, Lord, to come
And take us home to be with You;
Your promise to return for us
Gives hope because we know it’s true. -Sper

The greatest joy on earth is to have the sure hope of heaven.

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