Friday, May 4, 2018



Pain Is Not Pointless
Read:  Isaiah 28:23-29

This also comes from the Lord of hosts, who is wonderful in counsel
and excellent in guidance.  Isaiah 28:29

During times of hardship, I often feel like whining, “Who needs this pain?  I certainly don’t!”  But Isaiah 28 and my own experience tell me this is a shortsighted reaction.  Not that we need hardship just for its own sake, but we do need to be changed and to mature.  In God’s hand, hardship can be an effective tool to bring about our much-needed growth.

In verses 23-28 we read the prophet’s “poetic parable,” written to help the people of Israel understand how God works and what He intended to accomplish in their lives through tough times.  A farmer is portrayed skillfully plowing the ground, planting his crops, and threshing the harvest.  If the soil could talk, it might have whined, “Who needs this painful plowing?” But the pain is not pointless.  Isaiah said that the farmer is taught by God to work in measured and well-timed ways, handling delicate crops with care and others more vigorously, but always with a sure harvest in view.

Our reassurance during tough times is that the farmers’s God is our God, “who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance” (v.29).  His dealings with us are always thoughtful and purposeful, producing in us “the placeable fruit of righteousness” (Hebrews 12:11).           JY

God has a purpose in our heartaches-
The Savior always knows what’s best;
We learn so many precious lessons
In every sorrow, trial, and test. -Jarvis

When you trust in God, pain is an opportunity for progress. 

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