Thursday, April 28, 2016



READ:  Matthew 8:23-28

What kind of man is this?  Even 
the winds and the waves obey
Him!  -  Matthew 8:27

Our son, Josh, is a commercial salmon fisherman in Kodiak, Alaska.  Some time ago he sent me a photograph he took of a tiny vessel a few hundred yards ahead of his boat moving through a narrow pass.  Ominous storm clouds loom on the horizon.  But a rainbow, the sign of God’s providence and loving care, stretches from one side of the pass to the other, encircling the little boat.

The photograph reflects our earthly voyage:  We sail into an uncertain future, but we are surrounded by the faithfulness of God!

Jesus’ disciples were surrounded by a storm, and He used the experience to teach them about the power and faithfulness of God (Matthew 8:23-27).  We seek answers for the uncertainties of life.  We watch the future growing closer and wonder what will happen to us there.  Puritan poet John Keble captured this in one of his poems to which he watched the future as it drew near.  But as he watches he was “waiting to see what God will do.”

Whether young or old we all face uncertain future.  Heaven answers:  God’s love and goodness encircle us no matter what awaits us. We wait and see what God will do.

What do you need to trust God with today?

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We sail into the uncertain future surrounded by the faithfulness of God!

When sin came into the world, everything broke.  The earth no longer functioned as  it was supposed to.  Our bodies and minds became susceptible to sickness, disease, and demonic oppression.  And we found ourselves relationally speared from God and other humans.  In Matthew 8 Jesus shows His authority over sin in all these areas.  The kingdom of God is not just a place we go to when we die.  It is a kingdom Jesus began during His time on earth.  He manifested it every time He healed a sick person, drove out a demon, or calmed a storm.  And it will be ultimately revealed when He returns to dart again and makes everything whole, perfect, and new.

Have a blessed night.
God Our Creator’s Love Always.

Unity & Peace

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