Thursday, April 24, 2014


Today's promise: The gift of salvation

Have you confessed your sins?

They took turns confessing their sins and worshipping the Lord their God.
Nehemiah 9:3 NLT

The recognition of sin is the beginning of salvation.
Martin Luther

Recognizing sin
The year 1983 summoned forth two splendid examples of moral imperfection: Rep. Daniel Crane (R-Ill) and Rep. Gerry Studds (D-Mass). Both were censured by the House for sexual misconduct with 17-year-old pages.

The nation got a glimmer of their philosophical differences when Crane admitted tearfully that he "broke the laws of God and man." He cast a vote for his own censure and faced the House as the Speaker announced the tally.

Studds, in contrast, defended the relationship with his page as "mutual and voluntary" and said the relationship didn't warrant the "attention and action" of the House. Studds listened to the verdict from the Speaker with his back to the House.

Do they both deserve equal censure? Of course. But there's one consolation for Crane. His philosophy (of an objective moral order promulgated by God in man's nature) teaches that there is one thing worse than sin. That is denial of sin, which makes forgiveness impossible.
Thomas F. Roeser in the Chicago Sun-Times

The Bible wants nothing to do with moral relativism, and that is why some critics have singled out faithful Christians and Jews for particular scorn. These critics know that the objective moral standards defended by millions of faithful believers stand in the way of uprooting God from our nation. Just as the people of Nehemiah's time confessed their sins and were restored, so we must ask the Lord to forgive us and heal our land.

Adapted from Men of Integrity Devotional Bible with devotions from the editors of Men of Integrity, a publication of Christianity Today International (Tyndale, 2002), entry for April 17.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

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