Tuesday, February 12, 2013



John 1:35-42

[Andrew] first found his own
brother Simon, and said to him,
"We have found the Messiah."
-John 1:41

A few months ago, I had to travel to Florida and back on business.  On my flight home, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had a seat with lots of leg room.  It felt so good not to be scrunched into a small area.  Plus, I had an empty seat beside me!  The makings of a good nap.

Then I remembered those around me in their not-as-comfortable seats.  I invited several others I knew to join me in a better spot but was surprised they all wanted to stay in their own seats for various reasons:  They didn't want to be inconvenienced with a move or felt fine where they were.

As believers in Christ, we have a much more significant invitation to extend:  We've received a new life of faith in Jesus and want others to experience it too.  Some will want to do so, and others won't.  In John 1:40 we read that Andrew had begun to follow Jesus.  The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and invite him to meet Jesus, the Messiah, too (v.41).  Jesus offered them a wonderful new way of life of knowing Him and enjoying His promises:  His forgiveness (Romans 3:24), continual presence (Hebrews 13:5), hope (Romans 15:13), peace (John 14:27), and a forever future in His presence (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

Won't you join in?  Jesus gives the best life. - Anne Cetas

If  we commit ourselves to Christ
And follow in His way,
He'll give us life that satisfies
With purpose for each day. - Sper
If you want someone to know what Christ will do for
him, let him see what Christ has done for you.

Missionary effort is often most effective when the gospel is shared through established relationships and word of mouth.  Today's reading illustrates how such dynamic evangelism occurs.  Andrew had already been attracted to the message of repentance and the coming Messiah preached by John the Baptist.  Then when John identified Jesus as "the Lamb of God," Andrew began to follow our Lord.  Soon Andrew sought out his brother Peter and brought him to Christ.  Jesus gave Peter a new name, "Cephas," or stone, a name later identified with his role in the establishment of the church (Matthew 16:18).

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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