Tuesday, February 5, 2013



Matthew 6:25-34

Seek first the kingdom of
God and His righteousness,
and all these things shall be
added to you. -Matthew 6:33

I love writing for Our Daily Bread.  I confess, however, that sometimes I whine to my friends about how difficult it is to communicate everything I would like to say in a short devotional.  If only I could use more than 220 words.

This year when I came to the book of Matthew in my Bible-reading schedule, I noticed something for the first time.  As I was reading about the temptation of Christ (Matthew 4:1-11), I noticed how short it was.  Matthew used fewer than 250 words to write his account of one of the most pivotal events in all of Scripture.  Then I thought of other short yet powerful passages:  the 23rd Psalm (117 words) and the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:9-11 (66 words).

Clearly, I don't need more words, I just need to use them well.  This also applies to other areas of life-time, money, space.  Scripture affirms that God meets the needs of those who seek His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).  The psalmist David encourages us, "Those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing" (Psalm 34:10).

If today you're thinking, "I need just a little bit more" of something, consider instead the possibility that God has given you "just enough." Julie Ackerman Link

I would be quiet, Lord, and rest content,
By grace I would not pine or fret;
With You to guide and care, my joy be this:
Not one small need of mine will You forget! - Bosch
He is rich who is satisfied with what he has.

The theme of today's reading is a problem Jesus repeatedly calls His followers to set aside (vv.25, 28, 31, 34)-worry.  He challenges us to put our confidence in the Father and His ability to meet our needs, knowing that He loves us more than anything else in creation (v.30).

Have a blessed day and week ahead.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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