Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Today's promise: Overcoming discouragement brings great blessing
What Do You Do When Hope Fades?
Save me, O God, for the floodwaters are up to my neck.
Deeper and deeper I sink into the mire; I can't find a foothold to stand on.
I am in deep water, and the floods overwhelm me.
I am exhausted from crying for help; my throat is parched and dry.
My eyes are swollen with weeping, waiting for my God to help me…
But I keep right on praying to You, Lord, hoping this is the time yYou will show me favor.
Psalm 69:1-3, 13 NLT

Praying when hope seems dim
David's prayer recorded in this psalm essentially amounts to a simple, "Save me, I'm sinking." It's the cry of a desperate man who can't even think of helping himself. But at least David knew whom he needed to ask for help. Although he was exhausted from crying to the Lord in prayer, he kept on shouting to his God, the only one who could save him.
When waves of adversity threaten to drown you in despair, pray to God. Remember David's persistence, and keep on asking God for help.
Prayer for today:
Dear Lord, I am exhausted from crying for help, but I will keep on praying to You.
From The One Year® Book of Bible Prayers edited by Bruce Barton, Tyndale House Publishers (2000), entry for February 9

I never allow myself to become discouraged under any circumstances.… The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.
Thomas A. Edison
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

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