Monday, January 14, 2013



Job 12:1-10

A [disaster] is despised in the
thought of one who is at ease;
it is made ready for those whose
feet slip.  - Job 12:5

During a difficult recession, I organized a support group for fellow Christians to help them cope with unemployment.  We provided resume reviews, networking, and prayer support.  One problem emerged:  Whenever some got a job, he or she almost never returned to the group to offer encouragement.  That increased the loneliness and isolation of those left in the group.

Worse, though, were comments from those who had never experienced a job loss.  They mirrored the accusations of Job's friends in his suffering:  "If you were pure and upright, surely now [God] would awake for you, and prosper [you]" (8:6).  By chapter 12, Job is starting to express things in terms modern workers can understand.  He says that he feels despised by those whose life is easy (v.5).

When things are going well for us, we may start to think that we who don't have troubles are better somehow, or are more loved by God, than those who are struggling.  We forget that the effects of this fallen world are indiscriminate.

We are all loved by the Lord and we all need Him-in good times and bad.  The successes, abundance, and positions that God has given to us are tools to help us encourage others in their time of need. -Randy Kilgore

Give us the humility, Lord, not to act like Job's friends
who accused him of sin because of his trials.  Show us
how to help those who are struggling so that we might
give the kind of encouragement You have given us.
Humility toward God makes us gentle toward others.

In our reading today, Job replies to Zophar's charge that Job cannot be innocent of sin and suffer as he does (see 11:1-20).  The anguish of unjust criticism spurs Job to use sarcasm in his own defense:  "No doubt you are the people, and wisdom will die with you!" telling his tormentors that he is at least as insightful as they are (vv.2-3).  In our dealings with people in pain, we must guard against the easy answer and a know-it-all attitude.  The causes of suffering and God's intentions in it often have a deeper meaning than we may be aware of.

Have a blessed day and week ahead.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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