Friday, October 19, 2012



Titus 3:1-8

Be ready for every
good work. -Titus 3:1

My first bike had one gear.  Whether I was going fast or slow, uphill or downhill, that gear did everything.  My next bike had three gears:  one for level surfaces, one for going uphill, and one for going downhill.  My third bike had ten gears, allowing me an even broader range of choices.  Even though my last bike had several gears to choose from, I didn't use all of them every time I rode.  Some were best suited for starting and climbing, others were reserved for gaining speed, and others were best for a leisurely pace.  But the thing about gears is this:  Even though I wasn't using all of them at the time, it didn't mean I would never need them.

The same can be true in regard to our spiritual gifts and abilities.  During times when I feel I am not being used to do certain things I once did, instead of feeling useless and unappreciated I thank God for the "gear" I'm currently able to use.  Just because a skill is not needed right now doesn't mean it never will be.

Our spiritual gifts are needed in different ways at different times.  Needs and circumstances change in unforeseeable and unpredictable ways.  The apostle Paul reminded Titus, "Be ready for every good work" (Titus 3:1).  May that be true of us as well. -Julie Ackerman Link

Heavenly Father, I need to remember that
what I do is up to You, but how I do it is up
to me.  Whether I am busy or still, may I be
peaceable, gentle, humble, kind, and loving.
Keep your tools ready-God will find work for you.

Titus ministered on the island of Crete.  The ancient inhabitants of that island were recognized as notoriously impatient and quarrelsome with anyone in authority.  The Greek historian Polybius said that Cretans were often involved in "insurrection, murders, and internecine wars."  The apostle Paul must have been aware of the rebellious culture in which the young pastor ministered, and so he exhorted Titus:  "Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men" (vv.1-2).  This same admonition applies to us today.

Have a blessed day and weekend.
God Our Creator’s Love Always
Unity & Peace

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