Tuesday, October 9, 2012



Job 1:13-22

In all this Job did not sin
nor charge God with wrong.
-Job 1:22

During my first year of seminary, I listened as a new friend described her life.  Abandoned by her husband, she was raising two small children alone.  Earning just over minimum wage, she had little chance of escaping the poverty and dangers she described in her neighborhood.

As a father, I was moved by her concern for her children, and asked "How do you handle all of this?"  She seemed surprised by my question and replied, "We are doing all we can do, and I must leave them in God's hands."  Her trust in God in the midst of trials reminded me of Job's trust (1:6-22).

A year later, she phoned and asked if I would come be with her at the funeral home.  Her son had been killed in a drive-by shooting.  I asked God for words to comfort her and for the wisdom not to try to explain the unexplainable.

Standing with her that day, however, I marveled as again and again she comforted others-her confidence in God unshaken by this terrible blow.  Turning to me as we parted her final words were a poignant reminder of the depth of her faith:  "My boy is still in God's hands."  Like Job, she "did not sin nor charge God with wrong"(v,22).

We too can develop an unshakable faith by daily walking with the Lord. - Randy Kilgore

O the peace I find in Jesus,
Peace no power on earth can shake,
Peace that makes the Lord so precious,
Peace that none from me can take. - Beck
Nothing can shake those
who are secure in God's hands.

God called Job "a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil" (1:8).  His righteousness is highlighted in his story.  What is amazing is his initial reaction to the progressively tragic news he received-he worshiped!  His story challenges us to turn to God in worship during tragedy.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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