Friday, April 17, 2020





READ:  LUKE 13:1-5

Do you think that they were worse sinners…?  I tell you, no;
but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.  Luke 13:4-5

Some Christians are quick to declare that a public disaster (Such as a terrorist attack, an earthquake, or a flood) is the result of divine judgment.  In reality, a complex array of factors lie behind most disasters.

In Luke 13, Jesus was asked about some people who were cruelly murdered, and about eighteen people who died when a tower collapsed on them.  The people asking the questions were wondering if those who died where worse sinners than others.  “I tell you, no,” said Jesus, “but unless you repent you will all likewise perish” (vv.3, 5).

Instead of reading divine judgment into tragedies, we should see them as a call to personal repentance.  This is especially true for unbelievers, but it is also true for Christians.  Acts of terrorism, for example, challenge us to pray earnestly for the conversion of the good of the deluded people who commit such acts.

Calamities in themselves are never good, but they can fulfill God’s purposes when they serve as a wake-up call to believers, and when they bring unbelievers to repentance and faith in Jesus.  Let’s not ask, “Who’s to blame?” but “Lord, what are You say to me?”   HVL 

When great calamity befalls,
We wonder why it’s sent’
But God says, “Ask not who has sinned-
Just hear My call, ‘Repent!” -DJD

In alarming situations, listen for God’s wake-up call. 

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