Saturday, February 1, 2020





READ:  Jeremiah 2:26-37

Where are your gods that you have made for yourselves?  Let them arise,
if they can save you in the time of your trouble.  Jeremiah 2:28

Ever notice how people react to tragedy?  Even the nonreligious try to get the attention of God, whom they have previously ignored.  Accounts of plane crashes, floods, tornadoes, or hurricanes often tell of someone who calls on the Lord for help.

It would be nice to think that the heavenly Father is just waiting for such times of panic so He can send all the emergency equipment of heaven to the rescue.  But the Bible indicates otherwise.  Through Jeremiah, the Lord challenged His people who were in trouble to get help in the hour of death from the idols they had worshiped.  He wanted them to see the futility of trusting false gods.

The Lord may ask the same question of us.  In an hour of distress He may say, “Why do you cry for me now?  Where are your sports heroes and movie stars?  Why not seek help from the TV, appeal to your paycheck, take comfort in your possessions, or rely on your credit cards?  Let these gods whom you’ve served so faithfully now serve you!”

God doesn’t want us to think we can go on trusting false gods and still expect Him to protects us from trouble.  He graciously grants forgiveness to us if we are truly repentant.  And He offers hope and help to those who have learn to depend on Him all the time.   MD

The gods of this world are empty and vain,
They cannot give peace to one’s heart;
The living and True One deserves all our love-
From Him may we never depart. -DJD

Those who walk with God always find Him close at hand.    

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