Monday, January 27, 2020





READ:  Psalm 96:1-13

Let him who glories glory in this, that he understands
and knows Me, that I am the Lord.  Jeremiah 9:24

It’s one thing to know about God, but it’s quite another to know Him personally.  Let’s see how this distinction applies when considering some of God’s attributes.

The thought that God is present everywhere is staggering.  But to be aware of His presence in times of need brings comfort and hope.  

The thought that God knows everything is mind-boggling.  But to have the confidence that no detail of our lives escapes His attention is to enjoy a peace that endures through every trial.

The thought that the Lord is all-powerful makes us marvel at His greatness.   But to have Him actually work in, through, and for us encourages us to relax in His mighty arms.

The thought that God never changes is a reassuring truth.  But to commit ourselves to the care of this never-changing One is to know the stability of His faithfulness.

The thought that God is love is wonderful to contemplate.  But to know Him as a loving Redeemer through personal faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, brings the joy of sins forgiven.

The writer of Psalm 96 knew God, and that relationship was reflected in his words.  His heart poured out praise, and he longed for others to know the Lord and worship Him as well.

Do you know God personally?  Does it show?    RDH

Sing praise to God who reigns above,
The God of all creation,
The God of power, the God of love,
The God of our salvation. -Schutz

Knowing about God is fascinating; knowing God personally is life-changing.    

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