Saturday, October 26, 2019





READ:  Psalm 33:1-11

The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Psalm 33:5

One Saturday my life came perilously close to being permanently altered.  My brother and my nephew stopped by to pick up a desk.  After loading it on the truck, they chatted for a few minutes and then drove off.  I went into the house while my husband Jay pulled our car into the garage.  Moments later I heard a loud crash, so I raced out to the garage.  Jay was staring at the overhead garage door, which had suddenly slammed down.  If the spring had broken a few minutes earlier, someone would have been hit by the two-hundred-pound door-and would have been seriously injured, or even killed.

It was not simply a matter of luck or coincidence that no one was hurt in that garage.  God’s protective hand was there-one more reminder of His goodness.

I sometimes long for a dramatic display of God’s glory and power to show that He is with me.  But He wants me to see Him in His little displays of goodness, which He demonstrates every day in hundreds of acts of mercy and compassion-just as He did in my garage that Saturday.

The psalmist reminds us that “the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord” (Psalm 33:5).  May God open our eyes to His many acts of goodness so we’ll never doubt His presence and His love.   JAL

As endless as God’s blessings are,
So should my praises be
For all His daily goodnesses
That flow unceasingly!-Adams

If you know that God’s hand is in everything,

you can leave everything in God’s hand.  

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