Sunday, March 24, 2019





READ:  Matthew 7:7-11

Everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds.  Matthew 7:8

A twelve-year-old Cambodian boy named Lem Cheong began to question his family’s religious beliefs.  He had been taught that a person seeking guidance should go to a temple and shake a container of numbered bamboo slivers unties one fell out.  The priest then interpreted the meaning of the number.  But this practice didn’t satisfy Cheong’s longing for clear answers, nor did it fill the void in his heart that only God could fill.

According to Harold Sala in his book Touching God, Cheong asked his uncle, a priest, if he had ever had a prayer answered.  The man was shocked by the brashness of his nephew’s question, but he admitted that he couldn’t remember a single time one of his prayers had been answered.

Later Cheong asked a Christian if God had ever answered his prayers.  The man recounted several instances.  Cheong was so impressed that he accepted Jesus as his Savior that day.  Since then, prayer has become a vital part of his life.

Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7).  Christians prayer is effective because God is the living and true God who hears and answers according to His will.  And His will is always good.   VCG

For answered prayer we thank You, Lord;
We know You’re always there
To hear us when we call on You-
We’re grateful for Your care. -Branon

Through prayer, finite man draws upon
the power of the infinite God.

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