Sunday, November 25, 2018



For more great blogs as this excellent statement, go to Daniel’s blog site at

One respondent wrote: “Even the greatest of scientists are not able to go beyond the Big Bang!” However, logical and philosophical thinking can go beyond and recognize that order and design cannot arise out of an explosion (Big Bang); nor can matter, time, space, energy, light, and the laws of science.

Explosions do not generate order but disorder. They do not create time, space, or the laws of science. They cannot even create matter, which, from the little we understand, is highly complex, elegant, and also subject to elegant, immutable, and universal laws.

You might argue that everything was already contained in a minute singularity that had exploded into our universe. However, this explains nothing. From where did this minute singularity come? What caused it to explode in such an orderly manner before the laws of science even existed?

All of these considerations are satisfied once we begin to consider the existence of an eternal and infinitely intelligent Designer. How? We have some experience with the products of intelligence and those of chance (although we have never seen chance produce anything). I would venture to say that if we give an infinite number of cows (even monkeys) pens for an infinite amount of time, they will never produce a line of Shakespeare, a single atom, an inch of space, or even a moment in time. Should we expect anything more from nothingness?

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