Thursday, June 30, 2016


We can show others what God is like in the way
We handle our everyday life when difficulties
come in our life.  We might have difficulties at
work.  We might have difficulties at home.  We
might even have difficulties with our health but
when we let God fix the problem, others can see
the goodness of God in our life.  We let them know
that God comforts us and He will comfort them too
if they allow Him to come into their lives and lead
them.  But if they want God to lead them, they have
to be willing to follow Him, (Psalm 23:2-3).  God
knows the way because He has prepared the way.
Sometimes we may not see the direction that God
is leading us so we have to do our best by following
the guidance of His Holy Word, the Bible.  Sometimes
God’s pace is too fast or too slow but we have to stay
with Him no matter what the pace.  We have to rely
on the Holy Spirit to guide us in the right direction.

Copyright 2006 Florence Jean Wiggins

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