Thursday, March 3, 2016



READ:  Psalm 145:1-13

Remember the days of old; 
consider the generations long
past.  Ask your father  and he
will tell you, your elder, and
they will explain to you.
Deuteronomy 32:7

Many families have  a secret recipe, a special way of cooking a dish that makes it especially savory.  For us Hakkas (my Chinese ethnic group), we have a traditional dish called abacus beads, named for its beadlike appearance.  Really, you have to try it!

Of  course Grandma had the best recipe.  Each Chinese New Year at the family reunion dinner we would tell ourselves, “We should really learn how to cook this.”  But we never got around to asking Grandma.  Now she is no longer with us, and her secret recipe is gone with her.

We  miss Grandma, and it’s sad to lose her recipe.  It would be far more tragic if we were to fail to preserve the legacy of faith entrusted to us.  God intends that every generation share with the next generation about the mighty acts of God.  “One generation commends [God’s] works to another,” said the psalmist (Psalm 145:4), echoing Moses’ earlier instructions to “remember the days of old….Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you” (Deuteronomy 32:7).

As we share our stories of how we received salvation and the ways the Lord has helped us face challenges, we encourage each other and honor Him.  He designed us to enjoy family and community and to benefit from each other.  POH FANG CHIA

Is there someone from a different age group with whom you can share your faith journey?  How about asking someone from an older generation to share their story with you.  What might you learn?

What we teach our children today will influence tomorrow’s world.


Psalm 145 is the last psalm in the final collection of psalms penned by David (Psalm 138-145).  It celebrates God as the sovereign King (vv.1-3, 10-13) and speaks of His majesty, generosity, and greatness-His “mighty acts,” “awesome works,” and “great deeds” (vv. 4-6).  David also highlights God’s goodness:  He is “gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love”; “trustworthy in all he promises”; and “righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does” (vv.7, 8, 13, 17).  SIM KAY TEE

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