Friday, October 30, 2015


READ:  John 4:1-15
Jesus answered, “Everyone who 
drinks this water will be thirsty
again, but whoever drinks the 
water I give them will never thirst.”
John 4:13-14
As Dave Muller reached down and turned the handle, water rushed from the spigot into a blue bucket.  Around him people applauded.  They celebrated as they saw fresh, clean water flowing in their community for the first time.  Having a clean source of water was about to change the lives of this group of people in Kenya.
Dave and his wife, Joy, work hard to meet people’s needs by bringing them water.  But they don’t stop with H20.  As they help bring people clean water, they also tell them about Jesus Christ.
Two thousand years ago, an man named Jesus stood at a Samaritan well and talked with a woman who was there to get clean drinking water for her physical health.  But Jesus told her that what she needed even more than that was living water for her spiritual health.
As history has marched on and humanity has become more sophisticated, life still filters down to two truths:  Without clean water, we will die.  More important, without Jesus Christ, the source of living water, we are already dead in our sins.
Water is essential to our existence-both physically with H20 and spiritually with Jesus.  Have you tasted of the water of life that Jesus, the Savior, provides?                              DAVE BRANON
Thank You, Jesus , for being our living water.  Thank You for Your willingness to die on the cross and for Your power to rise from the dead in order to provide us that water.
Only Jesus has the living water to quench our spiritual thirst.
First-century Jews avoided traveling through Samaria.  Making the journey from Galilee to Judea meant crossing the Jordan RiVer and following the east side before re-crossing toward Jerusalem to circumvent Samaria.  Why?  Because Samaritans were seen as ceremonially unclean.  Jesus had no such qualms and broke tradition to meet a Samaritan woman in need.  BILL CROWDER
Have a blessed night.
God Our Creator’s Love Always.
Unity & Peace

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