Friday, May 8, 2015


Encouraging a Life-long Love of God in Your Children
Passing your faith to the next generation has been a biblical mandate from God to parents since the garden of Eden. It was inscribed on the hearts of every Jewish family in Deuteronomy 6:6-7, and it continues for parents today. But how do we do this in a meaningful and natural way?
On May 12, 2015, at 1:00 p.m. (EST), Our Daily Bread Ministries will present a live webinar entitled “Growing Faith: Talking with Your Kids About God.” This engaging discussion with host Tim Jackson will feature special guests Crystal Bowman and Teri McKinley, the mother-daughter writing team who authored the Our Daily Bread for Kids devotional book and who have some creative ideas for parents to help their children on their journey of faith.
We will explore some of the challenges Christian parents face when trying to pass along their faith. We will also offer ways to share biblical truth that encourages exploration of who God is and His love for His children. Crystal and Teri will share their experiences and offer ways for you as a Christian parent to do the following:
Embrace the idea of passing on faith to the next generation.
Introduce your children to biblical truth in a natural way.
Overcome fear of talking about God and faith with your kids.
Understand you don’t have to have “all the answers.”
Identify what is age-appropriate spiritual content for kids.

Introduce an attitude of discovery and truth instead of indoctrination.

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