Saturday, June 1, 2013


Today's promise: God's Word is powerful
Fill yourself with the Word
How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your Word and following its rules.
Psalm 119:9 NLT

Let the Bible fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet.
Henrietta Mears
A drunk meets a cop
Dawson Troter, founder of the Navigators, was student body president, basketball team captain, and class valedictorian when he was in high school. But then life fizzled out. He gambled, drank to excess, and caroused. He was staggering through the streets one night when a policeman stopped him, took his car keys, and asked, "Son, do you like this kind of life?" "Sir, I hate it," replied Trotman. Instead of arresting him for drunkenness, the policeman urged Dawson to change his life.
That encounter was a turning point. Dawson attended a church gathering where he was challenged to memorize ten Bible verses stressing salvation. Trotman memorized the verses, then memorized another ten the next week. Several weeks later, as he pondered the meaning of what he had learned, he quietly prayed, "Oh God, whatever it means to receive Jesus, I want to do it right now."
Trotman never got away from the power of the Word. As his knowledge of the Bible grew, he realized that a combination of prayer, worship, service, and the study of Scripture produced spiritual growth.
Harold J. Sala in Heroes
David used every technique he knew to ensure that he'd do things God's way. He programmed God's Word into himself so that he could retrieve it at crucial points along the way. He recited God's Word aloud, reinforcing his learning. He studied and reflected on God's Word. All this transformed his character and kept him on the right path.
Adapted from Men of Integrity Devotional Bible with devotions from the editors of Men of Integrity, a publication of Christianity Today International (Tyndale, 2002), entry for June 5.
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

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